Thursday, February 5, 2015

self-recovery from addiction

I've had several coaching clients come to me who, while they wanted to move forward in life, were actually stuck in a self-destructive addiction. I'm not speaking of any particular addiction, as we all have one or two in our lives. However, for sake of discussion, the primary addictions that people fall to when they find that their lives are faltering are alcohol and drugs. --- Abstinence or Control ---

--- Disease or Responsibility ---
While I do agree that certain physical illnesses can cause people to turn to substance abuse, the abuse and addiction in and of itself are resulting actions and not diseases.

--- Involuntary Addiction ---
This area of "involuntary addiction" is the center of much controversy. We did work through some situations to angle her life toward her new Vision, but it was her choice to alleviate herself of the medication and "give life a try." In essence, we were able to replace her physical addiction with a mental and emotional addiction  a direction in life.

How did I become addicted? Addictive substances have the ability to disrupt the motivational hierarchy of needs by displacing other motives in life. The addict usually places substance use as their top priority, while losing interest in life's other rewards. It's interesting to note that we can become addicted to situations as well as substances. Determining addiction is complex in that it is based on many different signs for different types of addictions. Recovery is your choice. --- A replacement addiction? With help from their medical professional, along with a life plan, they can remain focused and busy while working toward their Vision. In the process, he turned to a serious alcohol addiction, which nearly disrupted his entire life. There are a number of pitfalls common to self-recovery from addiction. Additionally, our society sees addiction as a noble affliction and denies that self-recovery is possible. As a result, society does not reward, and sometimes punishes, people who accept personal responsibility for their addictions and their recovery.

Realize that, if your environment has changed because of your addiction, all is not lost.